Using LWC Conditional directives lwc:if lwc:elseif and lwc:else

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Using LWC Conditional directives lwc:if lwc:elseif and lwc:else

Hello Trailblazers!

In this post, we will see how to control the visibility of elements in the LWC template using the LWC conditional directives.

Previously we used if:true and if:false directives to conditionally show or hide the elements on the component. But from the Spring 2023 release, we will use a new lwc:if, lwc:elseif, and lwc:else directives.

The new conditional directives are more powerful and flexible than the legacy directives. They allow you to create complex conditional statements, and they also provide better performance.

The lwc:if directive

The lwc:if directive is used to render HTML if a condition is true. The condition can be a property, the result of an expression, or even a function call.


  <lightning-card title="Conditional Rendering">
    <div class="slds-m-around_medium">
      <template lwc:if={condition}>

The lwc:elseif and lwc:else directives

The lwc:elseif and lwc:else directives are used to create more complex conditional statements.

The lwc:elseif directive is used to render HTML if a condition is true, but only if the previous conditions have been evaluated as false. 

The lwc:else directive is used to render HTML if all of the previous conditions have been evaluated to be false.

For example:

  <lightning-card title="Conditional Rendering">
    <div class="slds-m-around_medium">
      <template lwc:if={condition1}>
      <template lwc:elseif={condition2}>
      <template lwc:else>

Best practices for using  lwc:if, lwc:elseif and lwc:else directives

  1. Use the lwc:if, lwc:elseif, and lwc:else directives instead of the legacy if:true and if:false directives.
  2. Keep your conditional statements as simple as possible. If you need to create a complex conditional statement, consider using a getter in your JavaScript class.
  3. Use comments to document your conditional statements, so that it is easy to understand what they are doing.

Why are lwc:if, lwc:elseif, and lwc:else directives more efficient?

Let us understand this with the below example. There are three sections A, B, and C, and only one should be visible at a time.

The lwc:if will try to render condition B only if A is false and condition C only when A and B are false. So the rendering is not attempted when not required.

Also, it improves the readability of code and helps us understand that only one section should be visible at a time.

<div lwc:if={conditionA}>
    Section A
<div lwc:elseif={conditionB}>
    Section B
<div lwc:elseif={conditionC}>
    Section C

On the other hand, when if:true is used, even if condition A is true the lwc engine will try to render B and C, even if it is not required, because it does not know that only one section should be visible at a time. 

<div if:true={conditionA}>
    Section A
<div if:true={conditionB}>
    Section B
<div if:true={conditionC}>
    Section C

Also, new directives help us to keep the related sections together.

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