Find Consumer Key and Secret of Connected App in Salesforce

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Below are the steps to find the Consumer Key(Client Id) and Consumer Secret(Client Secret), for an existing Connected App in Salesforce.

Find Connected App Consumer Key and Secret for in Salesforce

  1. Login to your Salesforce Account as an Administrator.
  2. Go to Setup.
  3. Search for App Manager in the Quick find on the left side.
    App Manager in Salesforce

  4. Go to App Manager and look for your connected app.
  5. Click on the right drop-down and select View to open the Connected App detail page.

    View connected app

  6. From the Connected App detail page, click the Manage Consumer Details button. After that, you will receive a verification code on your registered email. Enter the verification.
    Manage Consumer details for connected app

  7. You can see the consumer id and secret after you enter the verification code, like below.
    consumer key and secret of connected app

  8. Use the copy buttons to get the code and enjoy!
I hope this was helpful. Let me know in the comments if you face any issues.

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