How to check dependencies of Lightning web component

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From the Winter 2022 release, Salesforce shows the dependencies of the Lightning web components in the setup. Whether it is the static resource, another Lightning web component(Lwc), or an apex class, it will be shown in the dependencies tree of the lightning web component.

Follow the below steps to see the dependencies of the Lightning web component(Lwc).

  1. Go to Setup
  2. Search Lightning Components in the quick find box.
  3. Select the Lightning Components option.
    Search lightning components in setup

  4. Click on the Lightning web component to check the dependencies. In my case, I will click on accountList component.
  5. On the details page, wait 2 seconds for the dependency tree to load.
  6. And there you see the dependency tree for the selected Lwc. It shows all dependencies in the hierarchical tree grid. 

It displays the details of the components like Name, Label, Type, Namespace Prefix, Api Version. Also, you can search through the result. The dependencies components are clickable and you can directly navigate to any of the components.

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